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Image by Oleksii Drozdov



“Whole days and WEEKS have I spent prostrate on the ground in silent or vocal prayer.”

George Whitfield

Anglican Minister and Revivalist

of the Great Awakening of the

1730s and 1740s


“I would seriously recommend to you, when settled in the ministry, the celebration of extraordinary seasons of devotion. If your ordinary prayers do not keep up the freshness and vigor of your souls, and you feel that you are flagging, get alone for a week, or even a month if possible. We have occasional holidays, why not frequent holy days?”

Charles Spurgeon

19th Century English Pastor​


“In 1630 one of [John Livingston’s] stops was at the kirk of Shotts for the celebration of a ‘solemn Communion.’ There he joined with a handful of the most popular ministers the Presbyterians could boast for a series of meetings that reportedly went on ‘almost day and night, for four or five days’ together.  These highly charged meetings found culmination on Monday in an extraordinary ‘down-pouring of the SPIRIT.”

John Livingston 


Scottish Presbyterian Minister


“The state of the times extremely requires a fullness of the divine Spirit in ministers, and we ought to give ourselves no rest till we have obtained it. And in order to [do] this, I should think ministers, above all persons, ought to be much in secret prayer and fasting, and also much in praying and fasting one with another. It seems to me it would be becoming the circumstances of the present day, if ministers in a neighborhood would often meet together and spend days in fasting and fervent prayer among themselves, earnestly seeking for those extraordinary supplies of divine grace from heaven, that we need at this day.”

Jonathan Edwards

Pastor, President of Princeton University, and

a Leader of the Great Awakening


“I can say, through the power of the Spirit that wherever God can get a people that will come together in one accord and one mind in the Word of God, the baptism of the Holy Ghost will fall upon them, like as at Cornelius’ house.”

William Joseph Seymour

Holiness Preacher, Azusa Street Revival



“We need a power that can enter into the souls of men and break them and smash them and humble them and then make them anew. And that is the power of the living God. And we must be confident that God has this power as much today as he had one hundred years ago, and two hundred years ago, and so we must begin to seek the power and to pray for it. We must begin to plead and yearn for it.”

Martyn Lloyd-Jones 

Medical Doctor and Minister of

Westminster Chapel in London


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