Heritage Pastors Association unites Christian pastors across denominational lines for dramatic spiritual strengthening by fervently seeking God together, as well as cooperative engagement with governmental leaders.
The following are three primary aims of the association:
Unique opportunities to seek God vigorously for revival, grow in the Lord, and to see the expansion of churches for community impact
Relationship-building among Christian pastors for strengthening the church
Good communication and relationships between Christian pastors and governmental leadership
The name “Heritage” came from the Lord to the mind of leadership after much prayer and suggests the following:
The history of good communication between Christian leadership and government while maintaining the separation of church and state
A remembrance of the godly heritage of spiritual renewal in the nation by the grace of God and at the hands of the church
A desire to leave a godly heritage for the next generation
The association was launched in the fall of 2021 with the first chapters in New York City, organized by the five boroughs of the city with leadership as follows:
Brooklyn - Mullery Jean-Pierre, Pastor of Beraca Baptist Church
The Bronx - Fernando Cabrera, Pastor of New Life Church
Manhattan - Matt Bennett, Founder and President of Christian Union
Staten Island - David Beidel, President of Saturate NYC and Urban Hope NYC
Queens - Joel Sadaphal - Pastor of Living Word Christian Fellowship
The Dallas/Ft. Worth chapter launches in early 2023.
Membership includes Christian pastors and leaders and is on an invitation basis. Church senior pastors and their #2 in charge are welcome to inquire about membership. They are expected to be in agreement with the organization’s statement of faith and ethics.